Online Language Teaching in Diverse Contexts


  • Ali KILIÇ Bursa Technical University


Online language teaching, remote teaching, technology, online course, COVID-19


Beginning with COVID-19, online education has taken a pivotal role in education. This book offers some answers and insights from language instructors who have effectively implemented a range of techniques and tools to teach languages in remote and online settings. Throughout the book, the authors employed the term ‘online teaching’ to describe instruction purposefully planned and designed for the online environment, and ‘remote teaching’ to refer to the adaptation of a course to an online format, aiming to maintain the continuity of the learning experience when in-person teaching is not feasible. The first four chapters primarily delve into teaching innovations and strategies devised before the pandemic remote learning began. In contrast, the following six chapters place a greater emphasis on discussing and reflecting on developments that emerged as a result of remote learning caused by COVID-19.






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